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Cedar School Visits The Sloops

Just before Christmas, a group of Cedar School students visited the historic Tortola Boats (Virgin Island Sloops). Jamel ¨Fiyah¨ Davies and Norissa deLeon led the tour. Jamel´s grandfather and uncle both built Tortola Boats and he enthusiastically imparts his knowledge of this part of his heritage.

The restoration programme is headed by Professor Geoff Brooks, who has nurtured these boats for many years as the Curator of the Virgin Islands Maritime Museum, and now the newly formed Virgin Island Sloop Foundation (VISF), a nonprofit organisation.

The VISF is providing funding for materials and employment of two apprentices to restore the Sloops with the help of Geoff. Norissa and Chemoia Hodge are both graduates of the Introduction To Woodworking Course which was part of the Maritime Studies programme at the H Lavity Stoutt College.

Nanny Cay is providing work and storage space near the swimming pool and over time, this area will be developed into a more permanent visitors centre and maritime museum.